Why we’re here.

Many folks in business have read Simon Sinek’s Start With Why — and if you haven’t, consider this a recommendation to do so. Here at Reditus, we’re of the belief that having our clients and would-be clients understand Our Why is just as (or more) important as us peeling back the onion to outline What We Do and How We Do It.

Generating revenue in a predictable fashion is not trivial. Very few, if any businesses in a capitalist society exist to purely be a hobby. Entrepreneurs feed themselves and their families via the businesses they create. They put a roof over their head, employ others, have a calling or sense of purpose, and deliver value to society.

One can subscribe to the idea that as a singular outcome, you can achieve these same things by investing your time and energy into other “stuff”; being an employee to feed yourself and put a roof over your head, volunteering at a community center to deliver value to local youth, etc.

But we’re of the belief that entrepreneurship is largely unique in the fact that you can accomplish many (or all) of these in one fell swoop — if you execute well.

So what’s the Reditus Why?

The founding team of Reditus is extremely passionate about helping entrepreneurs. But passion alone can’t (and largely won’t) speak to the reasons why we exist. Let’s unpack this a bit deeper:

  1. Starting and running a business is hard.

  2. Without revenue, businesses and the outcomes that they seek to deliver for themselves, their employees, and their clients is largely unattainable.

  3. Most businesses are great at what they do, but have no clear line of sight or strategy associated with how to bring their company to market.

There’s a lot of noise associated with “the struggle” associated with starting your own company. And yes, within that statement rings a tremendous amount of truth. But that doesn’t mean that entrepreneurs and founders should purposely or instructively make their lives harder than it needs to be.

That’s our why. We do what we do to make the lives of entrepreneurs more manageable.


Social Currency + Being Nice